О компании

The company RUSGEOCOM has been in the market of geodetic devices, control & measuring equipment and engineering surveys since 2005.

Our company is a multi-faceted integrator of precise measurement solutions and services. We evaluate your project, supply equipment, train your staff how to use it, provide full technical and service support. The company RUSGEOCOM employs highly qualified specialists with strong experience in successful project implementation in a wide range of industries and construction.

We adapt to individual needs of every client, from a retail customer to the largest Russian and CIS state corporations. Every second client keeps dealing with us, every third one comes back for a game-changing higher-level solution.

Our advantages

  • The company RUSGEOCOM is the official distributor of the world's leading manufacturers.
  • Our dealer network covers the area from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok.
  • We’ve got our own warehouses in different Russian cities and towns.
  • Our own delivery service and cooperation with leading logistics companies guarantee delivery of geodetic devices and control & measuring equipment throughout Russia as soon as possible.
  • We’ve got our own service center with highly qualified specialists.
  • We’ve got a staff of more than 100 experts in all fields of the company activities.
  • We’ve got full information and marketing support for our dealers.
  • We provide a flexible pricing policy.

The company RUSGEOCOM has been in the market of geodetic devices, control & measuring equipment and engineering surveys since 2005.

Our company is a multi-faceted integrator of precise measurement solutions and services. We evaluate your project, supply equipment, train your staff how to use it, provide full technical and service

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